Today we improved our design and practiced with our robot. We practiced in the arena by lifting up the cones and trying to beat the...
A Well-Needed Upgrade
To end the week, we finished upgrading the arm of our robot to include larger and more powerful gears. We also modified the code of our...
Progressive Intentions
Our team was one of the few groups that was able to successfully complete the robot challenge by stacking five cones on top of one...
The First Challenge
Today marks the day of our first challenge for "In The Zone". We bent an 11-hole bar and screwed it onto the bottom of the arm of our...
SolidWorks: In The Zone Challenge 1
Isometric Top Bottom Front Back Left Right
Another One!
To start the week off, we've continued working on the SolidWorks for our robot, and we began practicing for the challenge. The challenge...
We're Here!
To end the week off, we have made major improvements on our robot and the code. We got the arm and the right/left side of the robot to...
Coding Conundrum
The robot challenge is approaching quickly. We have till next Thursday to finish perfecting our robot's design. This week we began typing...
The start of a new beginning
We had some time off of working with the robot because of the air conditioning in the engineering room wasn't working, so we were...
Grind Season!
On Tuesday we were in another classroom so we couldn't make any progress that day. We're working extra hard today to make up for the time...